p/s: i love my bl0g

Saturday 31 December 2011


Almost 4 months x update blog..Niy pom berkesempatan sebab balik kg kalau x penang memang xsempat la..Sepanjang hari masa dihabiskan tok bekerja dan belajar..fuhh !! memang tertekan sgt2 bila dop sane.
Start 24/12/2011-2/1/2012 aku cuti semester, apa lg akan ku tinggal bumi Penang dan pulang ke kg halaman..Serious segala masalah dan tekanan hilang bila dapat tgk family..mana x nyer dekat 2 bulan xbalik kg..Kalaulah boleh aku xmoe dah balik penang tp apa boleh buat..tempat aku disana..
Masuk je sana maka bermula hidup dengan penuh tekanan..apa pom xboleh..So STRESS..!!

By the Way, aku nak wish HAPPY NEW YEAR..!! Semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun2 lepas..

Wednesday 31 August 2011

...Eid Day...


lame btl xupdate story kat cini..maklumlah bz sikit..hehe..
Kali niy kita ber'story pasal hari raya..Mentang-mentanglah dalam mood raya la katakan.
Tahun niy hanya 3 hari je sy dpt berpuasa kat umah,manalah tak nya,sy kan dah stdy jauh dari umah so x boleh la nak balik bepuasa kat umah selalu..Dop kolej xrasa pom mood raya balik umah baru rasa mood tau..
sedey bila dgr lagu raya ..huhuhu ^_^

First Day Raya mcm tahun2 sebelumnya jgk kami beraya kat  kg sebelah abah..kat kg abah best coz saudara mara ramai..Tetamu yg dtg umah pom xputus2 dari pg sampai ke petang..
Then sebelah malam kami akan berciap2 n kemas2 barang tok berangkat pulang ke kg umi..
Second Day Raya kat kg umi..kat sane kami yg kene p jalan umah saudara mara..
bukan mcm kat kg Abah kami tunggu org datang..huhuhu..
kalaulah kami x jalan memang xkan ada org datang la jawabnya umah kami..so,terpaksa la kami cari saudara mara.. ^_^

bersama kakak tersayang

adik bongsu-kakak-saya

bersama cousin yg comel+montel

Monday 11 July 2011

Dunia Baru

Assalamualaikum kwn2 ku Sekalian...
Start dari 1/7/2011(jumaat) sy lapor diri kat Kolej Kejururawatan Bukit Mertajam memang sy x sempat nak on9 apatah lg nak update blog...Teramat la sibuk,bawak lappy pom xde masa nak bukak.Minggu orentasi yg amat memenatkan..dop kat tempat org memang xbez..mula2 sampai sane asyik nangis je nk balik umah..sensitif betul bila member cakap sal family..maklumlah sepanjang hidup niy,niy je baru nak jauh dr family..baru nak belajar la org kata..hehehe....

Dunia baru sy niy sgt meletihkan,asyik kene ikut peraturan je..yg kakak2 senior plk asyik nak cari salah junior je..stress btl masa minggu orentasi,asyik kene bebel je kat kakak senior...tapi xleh nak salahkan kakak2 senior jgk coz mereka menjalankn tugas,dah kami yg junior niy buat salah memang ptt kene bebel n tegur la...

Jarak asrama dgn kolej pulak xde la jauh sgt..bile dah jalan amai2 yg jauh pom terasa dekat..tp yg x beznya asrama..ade org cakap asrama kami dah berusia lebih 100tahun..So,faham2 la keadaannya mcm mana...memang xselesa la..Keselamatan pom xterjamin sgt..Kawasan asrama kami plk kawasan black area,mcm2 ade..penagih dadah la,peragut la...kami mendgrnya pom dah takut...Nak kuar pom xleh sowang2 kene amai2 coz bahaya...Warga asing pom ramai,tempat kita dah jd mcm tempat mereka plk..

Tapi apa2 pom Alhamdullah....
Seminggu disana sy dah boleh sesuaikan diri..kawan2 pom amai...Hopefully sy leh tamatkan pengajian sy dgn jayanya..huhuhu (>_<) 

Wednesday 22 June 2011


Venue-Kb Mall 22/06/2011( Rabu)
fuhh..!! letih gile smlm kuar hangout sampaikan nk update entry pom dah xlarat.So,hari niy baru dpt update apa yg t'jda smlm..Sampai je kb Mall terus p main bowling.First game sy kalah but second game sy menang..hehehe.. ^_^ nak tercabut ase jari niy bile main dua game..Pas je main bowling kiteorg terus p isi perut kat KFC, masa nk order bukan main banyak order tp last2 xdapat nk habiskan..Bile perut dah kenyang mcm tu la jdnya..lame jugak ar lepak situ sebelum gerak..Bile dah lame dop situ mula la pekerja kat situ dop tgk2 kiteorng..Maka ape lg angkat punggung blah.hikhikhik..Tetiba someone niy nak beli present kat sy,tp yg lucunya dia tanya sy nk ape..So,sy cakap 'awk yg nak beli present kat sy jd awk la yg pilih,sy akan terima je.'
Punya la lame dop pusing2 tp still x tahu nak beli ape,akhirnya dia pom belikan sy ini...

Lg satu poblem timbul bile nak carikan present niy,satu kb mall kiteorng pusing semata2 nak cari yg t'baik..ape2 pom thanks a lot utk someone yg dah belikan present niy dan dah belanja sy main bowling n mkn2..hehehe ^_^

Lepas je dia belikan present kiteorg decide nk balik..So, t'pisahlah kami menuju haluan masing2..tapi sy x boleh nk terus pulang ke rumah coz kene p ambik akak kat tempat keje dia..Punya la lama kene tunggu akak ciapkan keje pas tu tup2 hujan plak.so,kene la plak tgu samppai hujan reda..Sementara nak tgu hujan reda sy pom senyap2 snap pic sendiri..huhuhuhu.

Bile hujan dah b'henti ape lg sy dan aka terus pulang ke rumah...Happy sesgt smlm.xtahu la bile plak blh jumpa dia..jeng..jeng..jeng :p

Friday 17 June 2011

::Medical Check Up::

Kali niy nak cite sal medical check up,hehehe...
.korang tengok tajuk n picture kat atas tu pom korang dah tahu.
Hari niy cousin sy dtg umah hantar keputusan medical check up.
Syukur Alhamdullah keputusannya positif dan sy layak menjalani pengajian tu.
Kalau diikutkan dah lame siap wat medical check up tp disebabkan ade syarat2 dlm tu nak kene check sal  penyakit Hepatitis B & C.so, tu yg jd lambat..
Lau nk buat kat klinik biasa ambik masa dlm sebulan baru dpt tau result...
Sal penyakit Hepatitis niy penting kene tahu coz nnti dah nak masuk belajar sy akan terdedah nga patients,penyakit niy boleh berjangkit.So i have to beware....
hehehe...apa2 pom sy syukur sgt2..x sabar rasa nak p. ^_^

Saturday 11 June 2011

lame btol xupdate blog niy..hehe.... :))
skrang niy sy bz ckt coz uruskan borang2 nk p belajar kat tempat baru di Bukit Mertajam P.Pinang...
1 Julai 2011,kene lapor diri..Pengajian sebelum niy t'paksa ar bhenti coz nk p sane..
kalau nk ikutkkan hati xmoe bhenti tp ape leh buat coz parents n saudara mara soh p sane.xminat pom kene p jgk ar..sal minat or xminat bnda niy kite leh pupuk..family soh p bknnya ape sbb dunia skrng niy susah nk dpt keje..ade degree pom belum tentu dpt keje...kalau p sane tentu dpt....

so,skrng niy sy harap dunia baru sy tu xla teruk sgt..sy harap sy blh jatuh cinta nga bidang baru tu..hehehhe
sebut sal jatuh cinta niy,sy dah mls nk pikirkan sal cinta..kwn2 selalu tnya sy b'cinta nga sape skrng niy...
insyaALLAH lau ade jodoh adela tu..cepat atau lambat sy pom xtahu..ade jgk kwn so cari pkwe baru bile sampai kt penang nnti..hhuhuhu...

ishhh........dah melalut sampai ke situ sy niy,ape yg penting skrng niy..sy kene blaja sungguh2 bile dah sampai kat sane nnti....kwn2 pom kene ar doakan sy supaya sy terus berjaya dlm hdp sy.....
hehehehehe..... :))

Thursday 19 May 2011


Everytime when you decide to forget someone who is in your heart with no choice left, you dont realize you think a lot rather than to forget.

Memories never fades away, only we fade away with time .

Friend, good friend, close friend , best friend …….relationships defined in many ways by many of them but the only relationship which cannot be defined is love. Try to define it to yourself . If you are able to, then you are in love with someone. probably your definition cannot be understood by others but your heart will be .

This is especially for people who told their girl boy friend that they hate them right on their face:-

“hate” is the word which is used most commonly now a days . not many relaise that when we hate , it indirectly indicates that he is very close to the one who liostens to it. More she hate you the more she thinks of you. The more he thinks the more he will try to forget you. The more he tries to forget you the more ,he forgets that everytime when he think to do so he thinks of you a lot . More he thinks of you a lot, again the more he gets closer
broken relationship never to be forget , its just broken . Its just the illusion that you see as if the relationship is broken but the reality its just blooming with more stronger relationship.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

thAt should bE Me..

Everybody’s laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading about this other guy
Do you do what you did what you did with me
Does he love you the way I can
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me
Cause baby I didn’t
That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can’t go on
‘Till you believe
That that should be me
That should be me
You said you needed a little time from my mistakes
It’s funny how you used that time to have me replaced
Did you think that I wouldn’t see you out at the movies
What you doin’ to me
You’re taking him where we used to go
Now if you’re trying to break my heart
It’s working cause you know
That that should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong I can’t go on
‘Till you believe
That should be me
I need to know should I fight for love
Or disarm
It’s getting harder to shield
This pain is my heart

Tuesday 19 April 2011

.... need you right now...

salah ke lau sy ckp yg sy niy rindu kat awk..?hati dan perasaan xde sape leh tipu la awk..sy bkn buat pape pom la..just nak ckp "i miss u damn much" awk xnk terima it's up to u la.sy xpkse pom kan.so,xyah la nk ckp yg awk "benci sy sgt2"....apa2 pom tjdi sy xkan marah sbb sy tahu ape yg tjdi mesti ade sbbnya tsndiri..Manusia x lepas dari buat salah n silap..bkn nk ckp yg sy niy baik sgt tp hakikatnya mcm tu la.....sy xkisah org nk benci sy ke pe ke,asalkan sy tahu yg mana betul yg mana slh...xperlu sebab 1 kesalahan yg pernah dia buat kat ite,ite nk hukum dia smpai bile2..bkn hak ite nk hukum org niy... "jangan dsbbkn 1 keburukan, kita x nampak kebaikanya wpom sebesar zarah".. sy sedar sy xcukup baik mcm org lain tp sy xkn buat org mcm tu...sy bkn nk pape pom,cukuplah dgn kemaafan yg ikhlas dari awk..sy just nak kongsi saat duka n suka sy je. lau dulu awk leh duduk dgr masalah sy knp x skrng..?sy dah bnyak berubah sejak kenal awk..sy x menyesal knl awk.. "hari niy ite bkwn sampai bile2 kita tetap kwn". mungkin masa awk ade sy buat xtau then bile awk dah xde baru sy nk hargai awk an.... tapi sy akn ingat kata2 niy yg kuar dr mulut awk "xde sape blh pisahkan kita melainkn kematian" so,sy nk tgk mana jnji2 awk sume tu.... sy perlukan nasihat dr awk skrng sebagai seorng kwn..... "i need you now"

intro... :))

ini adalah coretan ptama sy,baru je dlm dunia blogger niy...nak kata pandai tu xlah sgt..nak kata xpandai pom xjgk tp blh la...tetiba muncul rasa nk create blog..org ckp kat blog niy kita blh buat pe yg kita nk buat asalkan xmylahi undang2....kwn2 sume bz xsempat nk dgr poblem ite.so,kat blog  niy ite leh post pe yg ite mahu...ite leh kongsi mcm2 kat sini..time happy,time sedih n time ade poblem pom ite leh luah kat sini je....btw, msh bnyak yg perlu sy belajar mcm nk cntikkn lg blog sy..hehehehe...:)